Thursday, 13 July 2017

What Are The Effects Of Goal-Directed Prayers?

Is there a common ground where religion and science can hold a conversation? Well, to some people there is. Let us understand this in terms of our prayers. The people studying the relationship between science and religion understand that there are many different kinds of prayers we all make on a daily basis to ask for something from the Almighty. Two of these are goal-oriented prayers and non-goal oriented prayers. We will talk about effects of goal-oriented prayers.

As their name suggests, goal-oriented prayers are made with a certain goal in mind. The person praying to God has a specific objective in mind that he wants God to help him achieve. However, our goals or objectives don’t usually reflect the situation of a particular person or what is the purpose of her or him asking God for something like that. This is the secret behind positive or holy prayers and unholy prayers. Positive or holy prayers take the thoughts of a person to a situation of order. On the other hand, unholy or negative prayers take the thoughts of the person to some disorder while she or he is praying. These are a very few things that studying the relation between science and religion have brought to the fore.

1 comment:

  1. I need help with prayer. My family has reached financial crisis because I will be unemployed for 1 year this September. Is it selfish to continue to pray for suitable employment? Would it be more positive to pray simply for financial stability and wholeness and let God supply the opportunities, most of which I cannot foresee?
