Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Understand the Psychology Behind Defense Mechanism Theory

Somethings are inexplicable and in most cases these things are experienced by a vast majority of population of the world. For instance, the kind of love that you feel for an animal, that other may not, is so easily understood by you but it is so utterly difficult for others to understand. To understand these things, people come up with theories that are based on global experiences. It is done in the absence of any solid proof and, therefore, these theories explain them well enough.

Theories of different kinds have always fascinated humans as these are not provable by any scientific method but you still feel a strong connect with them. Defense mechanism is one of such theories too. A common notion about it is that it is an unconscious psychological mechanism that reduces anxiety arising from unacceptable or potentially harmful stimuli. It sounds complicated but it is not. So, to fully understand it, one needs to understand the psychology behind defense mechanism theory.

Another intriguing theory that has propelled human attention on theories to a different level is conspiracy theory. There is a highly intriguing element in the name itself. To know about conspiracy theory, one needs to read well-researched reports and real-life based experiences in the world. There are many online resources and websites that offer intelligent material on such topics to satiate your hunger for knowledge.

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