Thursday, 14 December 2017

Know The Transcendental Effect Of Prayer On Healing

Prayers play an integral role in our religious beliefs and act as a medium in reforming our meditative life. While there is deep meaning hidden into the quantitative process of prayer, there is nothing that is difficult and challenging. It is something that you can do anywhere and anytime in your space. As per the theories by the prayer control groups, humanity is making a great leap in consciousness. But through the effect of prayer, an individual slips into the second level of consciousness and channelize their level to value each level of perfect enforcement. 

There are countless of people who direct their energies into the process of healing, even scientists have started researching the effect of prayers on healing. There are also a handful of scientific theories that revolve around the research of prayers and consciousness. In scientific term, prayer is a vocalizing process to the supreme lord, i.e. consciousness standing before the self-being. Through prayers, you can reserve a seat in the heart of the supreme lord and follow the path of hope, light, love, joy, and happiness.

By praying the supreme lord with a selfless motive, you can see the interconnection between the elements of nature and the self-being of your human body.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Spindrift Research: For Prayer Research Experiment Examples

Prayer is bringing your wishes and worries to God; faith is leaving them there!

Do you pray to God on a daily basis? Do you think He listens to your prayers? Every person, who gets up in the morning and takes the name of Almighty in the first place, should know how prayers actually work. In addition to the same, he or she should know that the quality of the prayer life determines the quality of one’s relationship with God. Through prayer, you can not only learn more about God, but also make him known. That said, if ready to learn more about the same, know that Spindrift Research would be the best one to place your trust in.

Bruce and John Klingbeil founded Spindrift Research in the year 1969. The father and son duo worked as spiritual healers for Christian Science. Both of them worked as amateur scientists to apply the scientific method on human consciousness and prayer. In their supervision, they tested positive and negative prayers from many traditions. Behind the same, their intention was to find people interested in the research of human consciousness and prayer. 

That said, if interested in learning more about research experiment examples or prayer control groups, go ahead and visit the website of Spindrift Research right away! 

Rest assured, you will find answers to all your questions!

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Learn about the Relationship between Science and Religion through Deepak Chopra's books on God

With so many religions in the world, each one of them has a different way of performing prayers. In fact, every religion is recognized in the way prayers are done in it. The activity of praying depends on the conscious of the person that can be good, evil, positive, or negative. Many people perform the prayers with a goal in mind while others do just for the sake of it. 

Researchers at Spindrift have observed that goal directed prayers highlight the selfishness and ego of a person to get a specific aim fulfilled while prayers without any goal are performed by believing that whatever God does is the best for a person. Deepak Chopra, an Indian origin American doctor, author, and public speaker, has written many books that focus on the religious beliefs mixed with science. He believes that any disease can be cured through Ayurveda by mixing it with quantum mechanics, a branch of Physics. Bill Sweet, author of Spindrift book about prayers, has taken many inputs from Deepak Chopra's books on God on the explosive subject of mixing science with religion.

You can explore the internet and browse the website of Spindrift Research to know more about the working of prayers. 

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Scientific Study on Evil Prayers to Let You Know about Their Effects

Every religion is marked with different ways of praying to their gods. In fact, prayers are an integral part of all the religions that also serve as an identity of that particular faith. The spirituality of a person can be tested in the dedication that he/she shows while praying. Researchers at the Spindrift mixed an element of science to know how the prayers work and to know about the spirituality of people. They divided the prayers into two categories as goal-directed prayers and non goal-directed prayers. If you pray to God with an aim in mind that can be good, evil or selfish, it is termed as goal-directed prayer. On the other hand, non goal-directed prayers are those when you are praying without any aim and asking God to do whatever is best for you. Many times, people pray with an intention to harm others and make evil prayers. However, it was found that non goal-directed prayers are more effective than the goal-directed ones that may also contain evil intentions.

If you want to know more about spirituality that can be tested in the lab and the study on evil prayers, you can visit the official website of Spindrift Research and read the information provided there.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Stay Benefitted Spiritually By Reading Good Books About Prayers And Their Effects

Prayer is the only escape from the realities of the brutal world. It is the only means to find peace and solace in oneself. Belief in God is essential to stay positive and do good in life. A prayer always overpowers the negativity and strengthens our mind to take on bigger challenges in life.

This is the reason that whenever people are feeling low and defeated they start remembering the almighty to take all the pain in this world. Prayer is the only respite from the fiefdom of troubles and agony of life. Reading a book about prayers and their effects imparts a great deal of positivity and motivation in a person.

Several researches for consciousness and prayer have revealed that reading about prayers and the incredible benefits it can provide to a person helps a lot in dealing with the existing issues of life. Prayer gives a peace of mind and helps to understand things more clearly and that too, with the right perspective.

Having clarity in the conscious mind about problematic issues helps in understanding thing in a logical way. People stop worrying unnecessarily and focus on more important things to improve their existing situation for a happier life.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

What Are The Effects Of Goal-Directed Prayers?

Is there a common ground where religion and science can hold a conversation? Well, to some people there is. Let us understand this in terms of our prayers. The people studying the relationship between science and religion understand that there are many different kinds of prayers we all make on a daily basis to ask for something from the Almighty. Two of these are goal-oriented prayers and non-goal oriented prayers. We will talk about effects of goal-oriented prayers.

As their name suggests, goal-oriented prayers are made with a certain goal in mind. The person praying to God has a specific objective in mind that he wants God to help him achieve. However, our goals or objectives don’t usually reflect the situation of a particular person or what is the purpose of her or him asking God for something like that. This is the secret behind positive or holy prayers and unholy prayers. Positive or holy prayers take the thoughts of a person to a situation of order. On the other hand, unholy or negative prayers take the thoughts of the person to some disorder while she or he is praying. These are a very few things that studying the relation between science and religion have brought to the fore.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Understand the Psychology Behind Defense Mechanism Theory

Somethings are inexplicable and in most cases these things are experienced by a vast majority of population of the world. For instance, the kind of love that you feel for an animal, that other may not, is so easily understood by you but it is so utterly difficult for others to understand. To understand these things, people come up with theories that are based on global experiences. It is done in the absence of any solid proof and, therefore, these theories explain them well enough.

Theories of different kinds have always fascinated humans as these are not provable by any scientific method but you still feel a strong connect with them. Defense mechanism is one of such theories too. A common notion about it is that it is an unconscious psychological mechanism that reduces anxiety arising from unacceptable or potentially harmful stimuli. It sounds complicated but it is not. So, to fully understand it, one needs to understand the psychology behind defense mechanism theory.

Another intriguing theory that has propelled human attention on theories to a different level is conspiracy theory. There is a highly intriguing element in the name itself. To know about conspiracy theory, one needs to read well-researched reports and real-life based experiences in the world. There are many online resources and websites that offer intelligent material on such topics to satiate your hunger for knowledge.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Understand The Effects Of Goal-Directed Prayers And Non-Goal Directed Prayers

God cannot be seen or interacted with directly, that’s why He made a unique way for humans to interact with him – prayers. A prayer is a way to share your feelings and thoughts with God to have a distinct connection with him. Everyone’s style of prayer is different. And the inspiration that encourages to pray also varies from person to person.

Prayer is a unique way to connect with God to achieve ultimate peace of mind and establish an equilibrium between your worldly desires and inner self. There are no fixed explanations for mechanism of prayers, but some wise men who have researched on positive prayer and negative prayer have different explanations to describe the power of prayer.

There are four types of prayers – goal directed prayers, non-goal directed prayers, negative prayers and evil prayers. To make your prayers effective, you must understand how each type of prayer impacts your life. There are some spiritual organizations that track specific effects of prayers on humans. You can understand about prayers more closely with the help of books and teachings offered by these institutes. A detailed knowledge of effects of goal-directed prayers and non-goal directed prayers will help you connect with the almighty in a more efficient way.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

The Research Of Consciousness And Prayer - Learn About The Connection Between Humans And the Holy Spirit

Prayer is one of the most important things a person can do. It is the time when they are communicating with God and it should be taken very seriously. While there is deep theological meaning in prayer, it doesn’t have to be something that is complicated and difficult. It is something anyone can do anywhere at any time.

With so many individuals being diverted towards prayer, even scientists have started researching on their results and how they work. There are so many theories revolving around the research of consciousness and prayer and several other topics related to the power of prayer for decades now.

As per the theories, humanity is making a great leap in consciousness. As we step into the second tier of awareness, we are able to see the entire spiral below us and value each level and stage as being necessary for our perfect unfoldment. By praying selflessly, a human being can see the interconnectedness between all the elements of nature.

Prayer is speaking to the Eternal, i.e. a conscious standing before Him, it follows that the root of prayer has its seat in our person and in our spiritual being. It is evident that prayer, as a phenomenon in man’s spiritual life, finds its basis directly in the work of the Holy Spirit’s in man’s creation.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Know The Psychology Behind Defense Mechanism And Knowledge Of Cybernetics And Spirituality

Active defense mechanism helps in reducing the anxiety caused due to uncomfortable, sad or hurting situation. It is an unconscious psychological mechanism which aids in reducing harmful and uneasy stimuli.

Defense mechanism may lead to healthy consequences, depending on the situation and frequency with which it is used. Basically it is the technique through which unconscious mind denies, manipulates or distorts the real feeling of anxiety.

You must know that psychology behind defense mechanism is capable of handling and fighting gloomy and uneasy moments with great ease and confidence. Apart from that, faith and belief in good or religion also allows the person to fight and overcome bad moments in life.

Knowledge of cybernetics and spirituality helps taking a view at each person’s identity individually. It helps in looking through the emotions, feelings, memories and thoughts of a person. The process treats humans like a machine and analyzes the neuron structure of the brain to identify the unique identity. The existence of soul is denied in such anthropology and human’s mind and intelligence is analyzed objectively.

Such methods help in understanding the complex emotional shift of the mind and tackle through various anxiety and emotional problems. However, nothing substantial has been stated about these things on the scientific front.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

All You Need To Know About Mung Beans Experiment

The world is running on faith. Without some degree of faith, nothing can be done or even start. You need a sense of strong belief and faith to do something. Faith helps you tread the right path without much confusion.

As a result of faith, people perform prayers to achieve the desired results. Obviously one has to work hard, but with the support of our almighty’s blessings, the path to success becomes a lot more easy. Praying provides inner peace, helps you connect to the God for a better life.

Mung bean experiment is all about proving the benefits of praying in the right way. Here is all you need to know about mung beans experiment.

Two set of mung beans were kept separately in the same environment. The same person prayed once to set A and twice to set B in a day. After sometime the growth result of both the set of beans was different. Beans in set A had inferior growth compared to the beans in set B.

Effects of mung beans experiment justified the power of praying. Prayers done for the beans of set A were lesser than done for beans of set B which helped set B beans to have a greater growth. It quantifies the fact that the more dedicated you are towards your daily prayers the better results you will get in life, provided you put the right efforts as well.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

How Evil Prayers Work On Humans

A prayer is perhaps one of the easiest ways to connect and interact with God or holy spirit. One feels empowered, relieved, and enlightened after interacting with the Almighty.

Just as positive prayers impact the lives of human beings, evil prayers work on humans too. So, one should never count “counter prayers” out. One would never call evil on themselves, so it would be someone else praying bad for you or your family. While you may argue that the Almighty would never wish evil on His people, there are people out there who consider that their bad time is a result of someone praying evil for them.

Similarly, there is a possibility of both sets of prayers - goal directed and non goal-directed. While you can expect a particular outcome from goal-directed prayers, it is difficult to understand the working of non goal-directed prayers. Non-goal directed prayers are requests made to the Almighty without expecting a particular outcome or without seeking God’s will in answering it in a particular way, if you like.

Understanding how both evil prayers and non goal-directed work requires extreme knowledge of religion as well as science. There are people who are putting their time, knowledge, and effort to this cause, trying to figure out the answer to these questions. Read about them online to find how our prayers work?