Monday, 17 October 2016

Enlighten Your Mind And Know About Prayers From Different Religions

Our conscious mind gives us the ability and power to think, act, react and take decisions. The force behind this is the energy and intuition derived from our sub conscious mind. Though many people do not realize it, but it is there. You must have heard people say that, ‘my sixth sense is telling me’ or ‘I feel something is about to go wrong’ or ‘I feel this has happened before like déjà Vu’. These statements prove that sub conscious mind is extremely powerful and gives us energy and power.

Why do we pray? This simple question can complicate great minds. Prayer means communicating with God and connecting with him. Prayer could be goal directed for a specific purpose or non-directed just in general. Effects of different prayers have been researched and written in many books. Religion plays an important role in determining how we pray but does not control it. The ways might be different but as long as it makes you feel connected with God, it’s all in the right spirit. It is extremely enlightening to know about prayers from different religions as it can further open your intellect. Pray, you never know when God is listening!

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