Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Know About Prayer And The Paranormal Through Scientific Eyes - Spindrift Inc Has The Answers

Do prayers and science have a common ground? Can we inspect the realization of a prayer or the rejection of it through scientific eyes? This is exactly what Spindrift Inc., also known as Spindrift Research does. This laboratory or organization is the brainchild of a father son duo - Bruce and John Klingbeil. If we listened to them, we can try to understand their knowledge about prayers and the paranormal. Humans have always been curious about this connection and their knowledge can answer a lot of these questions.

The father son duo have found a common platform where science and religion interact with each other. According to them, there are millions of people around the world who believe in the power of a prayer. If prayers are answered, then how does all this happen? What is the route to the realization of a prayer? Can science measure how effective prayers are? Well, Bruce and John confidently say that they can clearly prove that there is a connection between the two. They have data to back up all their utterances, and if you want to know how it all happens, you should go to them to find out all the answers.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Prayer Research Studies in US : Exploring Prayer through Science

Prayer - a call to the supreme entity with a trust that is unconditional. The call can be for your own happiness or greater good. It can be a request for something that you might need for yourself or your loved ones, or a thankful note for all that you have in life, or it can also be a simple form of private communication with the sacred deity.

Those who have experienced a positive impact of prayers in their lives, say it has special powers and can have magical effects in life. Others, who have a strong faith in prayer, but since it didn’t yield any positive results in their life, say that God is still a mystery to them.

Many organizations and individuals through online research on prayer have tried to shed some light on its use, effect and purpose. There is a strong belief among these researchers that God chooses a few selected people and has blessed them with subtle psychic and spiritual healing abilities. But, most of the chosen ones are unaware of these powers and their research is directed towards finding deeply hidden talent of such people.

Testing facilities set-up for prayer research studies in US are increasing using scientific knowledge and methods to determine how prayer work in human consciousness.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Enlighten Your Mind And Know About Prayers From Different Religions

Our conscious mind gives us the ability and power to think, act, react and take decisions. The force behind this is the energy and intuition derived from our sub conscious mind. Though many people do not realize it, but it is there. You must have heard people say that, ‘my sixth sense is telling me’ or ‘I feel something is about to go wrong’ or ‘I feel this has happened before like déjà Vu’. These statements prove that sub conscious mind is extremely powerful and gives us energy and power.

Why do we pray? This simple question can complicate great minds. Prayer means communicating with God and connecting with him. Prayer could be goal directed for a specific purpose or non-directed just in general. Effects of different prayers have been researched and written in many books. Religion plays an important role in determining how we pray but does not control it. The ways might be different but as long as it makes you feel connected with God, it’s all in the right spirit. It is extremely enlightening to know about prayers from different religions as it can further open your intellect. Pray, you never know when God is listening!

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Don’t Let The Battle Between Good And Evil Prayers Work On Humans

Humanity is presently locked in a pitched battle for survival. Our traditions, our cultures, our health and longevity, our mental health and our spiritual well-being, are gravely threatened by self-serving allies of some very dark forces that we often refer to as Satan. Subsequently, when we reduce the world’s conflicts to the lowest common denominator, what we are left with is a battle between good and evil.

If we could awaken humanity to the nature of the threat which imperils all life on this planet, and we could impart the knowledge on how to use prayer as an instrument of defense against these forces, then we will be able to overcome the effect of what evil prayers work on humans. However, with the present levels of ignorance on the part of humanity and the lack of knowledge on how to effectively utilize prayer, we will continue to slide into the abyss of tyrannical enslavement and extermination. Understanding the power of prayer can be difficult because humans live in a material world and often focus on effects rather than causes.

Prayer is a way of depositing God’s character of peace into our bankrupt souls. It equips us with the peace we need for the day. A consistent prayer life builds faith in God that leaves you perpetually at peace at all times. You get to trust God that anytime you call upon Him; He would answer, so that even when a storm of life is raging you are calm and calculated.

Monday, 15 August 2016

When You Want To Know About the Effects of a Goal-Directed Prayer

Prayers are an integral part of any religion and they are performed in different ways in different religions. Without making any alterations in the prayers of any of the religious groups, Spindrift researchers have mixed an element of science to know how prayers work. They divided the prayers into two categories as goal-directed prayers and non goal-directed prayers. If you pray to God with an aim in mind which can be good, bad or selfish, it is termed as goal-directed prayer. On the other hand, non goal-directed prayers are those when you are praying without any aim and asking God to do whatever is best for you. The effects of a goal-directed prayer can be troublesome for you as, most of the times, ego is involved in this. Also, you can have selfish or bad goals which may be used to hurt someone. However, the working of non goal-directed prayers is such that they unconditional prayers in which you submit yourself to God and have an open mind without any biases and selfishness.

If you want to know more about Spindrift, you can track their website on the web and read about them so that you can understand the art of praying better.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Why You Should Learn Christian Prayer Online

“The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.”  ― Søren Kierkegaard

The above quote clearly explains the main objective of prayers. Indeed, a prayer has the power to change the nature of the one who prays. You must have come across many peoples who are completely changed after offering prayers daily. Also, you must have met many people who have achieved big milestones with the help of prayers. The point here is you can change your life by offering a prayer daily. 

There have been many scientific proofs that highlight the power of prayers. If you want to practice Christian prayer for healing in Ontario, you should know how to offer a prayer. If you offer a prayer in a right way, you will feel a profound impact. But how can you learn to pray in a right way? Is there an easy way? The answer to these questions is a big resounding yes. You can learn Christian prayer online.

When it comes to the benefits of prayers, you will be amazed to see what a prayer can offer you. You will have peace of mind, you will have a positive frame of mind, and you will have hope for life. In a nutshell, prayer has more power than you can imagine. You can find a large resource on the internet about various theories, stating the benefits of the prayers.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Know the Difference between Goal-directed Prayers and Non-goal Directed Prayers

Prayers are a medium to connect with the almighty. With the help of silent prayers, we convey our feelings and circumstances with the omnipresent. The universe is vast but the people have a faith that when they will call their Gods, they will listen to their prayers no matter where they are situated. They believe that prayers have the power to make anything possible. Prayers can remove the sufferings of the sad and pain of the sick. They define an untold and unnamed relation between the God and common people. Prayers are made with a belief that if the God has created the world, he only will listen to their prayers and provide a solution for all the problems.

However, there are all kinds of people on earth. Some people wonder whether there is actually an invisible power that responds to the prayers or not. There is no practical method of testing the effects of prayers as this is a matter of trust only. Many groups and communities have conducted research on this topic. They have categorized prayers into two types - goal-directed and non-goal-directed prayers. Goal-directed prayers are made with an intention to get some wished fulfilled. On the other hand, there are some people who pray out of faith only. This faith keeps them going.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Non-goal Directed Prayer - Empower Your Good Thoughts

Right from time, prayers have been a way of communicating with God, the Spirit and the Universe as a whole. Prayer is a wonderful way of reaching your inner thoughts, directing the flow of energy within you to the unseen but ever present spiritual realms in order to be in touch with the Superpower of Unlimited Resources. To some, prayer is the only way which gives them confidence, to pursue a very difficult task. To others, prayers are one way to keep their hearts light and to feel that closeness to God. If prayer works to some extent, can it be made to work better?

Prayer forms “subtle mental imprints” on the physical world. According to Spindrift Research, a prayer projects two imprints by two intentions, namely “goal-directed prayer” and “non-goal directed prayer”. The Spindrift Researchers were the first to formulate experimental distinctions between goal-directed thought and non-goal directed thought. Goal-directed thought involves man’s will and ego to guide the outcome of intention, whereas non-goal directed prayer references a matrix of ideas, norm-prints, and solutions not known by man’s expectation and ego. Both patterns of intention find expression in human consciousness and prayer.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Why To Read Prayer Research By Bruce and John Klingbeil

Have you come across hearing an incident when medical professionals said that an ailing person would die in just a few days? But the person lived for many years. If we dig deeper, we can find numerous such incidents all across the world when those ailing persons miraculously lived for whom medical professionals surrendered completely. What is it, which extends the life of such ailing individuals, even when they stop taking necessary medicines?

There is one thing in this world, which is the most powerful, yet we all do not accept it always. It is nothing, but prayers. Payers have powers beyond our imaginations. The history is jam-packed with the incidents, when prayers were answered with overwhelming rewards. And if you go through prayer research studies in Canada, then you will find that the power of prayers is really something that we have yet to explore to the fullest. Our little mind has so big power that we can overcome any situation, but only if we pray with a positive frame of mind.

You will be really surprised if you scan through prayer research by Bruce and John Klingbeil. Now, it has been scientifically proven that prayers have powers that can do anything. If you want to know more about prayer research, you must go through Prayer Research by Bruce and John Klingbeil. It is certain that you will be awestruck knowing the power of prayers.